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Sapphire Edition. Still, the chance for a woman to find pleasure in any form is, for many, an invitation to explore. So we asked a few women of all ages, body types and sexual orientations to tell us about the places and things they enjoy when they’re sexually satisfied.
Dirty talking, spanking, role-playing and anal. Here are seven ways women have found erotic satisfaction.
Some women enjoy simply kissing and licking their partner until they reach climax. Others enjoy using toys to bring their partner to orgasm. Still others enjoy incorporating bondage, spanking and other kinky elements into their sex life.
Whatever turns them on, they know that getting sexually satisfied is an essential part of a fulfilling relationship.
1. Kiss, lick and gently pet your partner until they reach an intense level of pleasure.
2. Use toys to bring your partner to orgasm.
3. Play bondage and spanking games with your partner.
4. Get sensual and analytical with your partner.
5. Use specific sexual activities to reach a different orgasmic level for each other.
6. Take things slow and savor every moment.

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